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Product recalls

On this page you will find information about routines for product recalls.

In case you need to recall a product due to any form of quality problem, Menigo should be contacted immediately at

The information below should always be provided when reporting a product recall, for us to be able to assess the situation and act swiftly.

To be able to handle your issue as soon as possible we need the following information:

  • Supplier name
  • Contact details for questions (name, email, telephone number)
  • Supplier’s contact for handling of returned product and logistics
  • Product name
  • Product size (weight/volume)
  • Supplier article number
  • Menigo article number
  • Description of recall, reason
  • Risk for consumer: hög, medium, låg
  • Best before date and batch code on concerned article
  • Dates and volumes of concerned of deliveries to Menigos warehouse
  • What actions are Menigo expected to take: stop delivery at warehouse, stop deliveries and inform our customers (Menigo will charge an administrative fee for each customer contact)
  • How should Menigo handle the product?
  • How should our customers handle the product? Return/waste product

Please note! Menigo will contact you with an invoice, including the handling of product recalls and crediting of the product.

For more informaiton or questions, please contact: 


Menigo Telephone number:
0046 8-722 14 00
